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Army Horror "23:59" commences production - 04 May 2011

The long anticipated army horror "23:59" by Gilbert Chan, produced by Gorylah Pictures has officially commenced filming yesterday.

23:59 is a psychological horror thriller set in 1983 on an island used for military training.

A rumor had been circulating like wild fire amongst the soldiers. A mad woman living on the island had died at the exact hour of 23:59, and it is believed that her spirit had returned to haunt the soldiers at the exact same time. During the 24 km road march for the platoon in the forest, one of the recruits Tan was found dead by the river, with his limbs contorted in a strange way and an expression of deep fear on his face.

Jeremy decides to investigate Tan's death, convinced that it was not an accident as what the military officers believe.
Little does he know that the truth behind Tan's death will unearth a terrible dark secret of the island and he will have to confront his deepest fears in order to find the truth.

"23:59" will be co-distributed in Singapore by Clover Films and Golden Village Pictures. The movie is slated for theatrical release in both Singapore and Malaysia at the end of the year.